TMK Teollisuuden Mittaus- ja Kalibrointipalvelu Oy

Unbiased measuring and calibration services for industry field.

Contact us

Teollisuuden Mittaus- ja Kalibrointipalvelu Oy provides measuring services for industries and calibrations for measuring devices and systems. In addition, we provide measuring technical consulting and training on area of measurement. We operate in industry fields all the way from small factories to nuclear plants and space techniques.

Dear professional on field of industry,

It is 30 years since I started my career as an inspector. During my career I have been operating in many different industries, in nuclear plants for instance, and I have been inspecting aero and space industries’ high technological devices.

The equipment has moved from the accurate EPLA systems of the early days to even more accurate laser-based measurement systems. Throughout this period, the calibration of instruments and measurement systems has become even more important.

Only traceably calibrated instruments provide reliable measurement results for drawing conclusions!

Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any measure technical issue or challenge, let’s see how we will resolve them. With our contacts we are able to provide solutions to the trickiest issues related to measure techiniques and calibrations.

Happy 2023 to all of you!

Best regards
Lasse Tuurala

Contact us and let's discuss more.
